A typical area. A typical house. A typical entrance. Typical life. Typical items. It all started with a shoot of 5 portraits. The protagonists are Natasha, Lyuba, Zhenya, Olga and Tatiana. They came from Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Tiny rooms in the entrances have become their second home. They have no place where they could come back and feel safe since there is no actual home. Therefore, here and now they have become a part of our life in the house of the standard P-44 series. There is no doubt that each of them, inhabiting their own space, strives to bring their own individuality in the decorations. I have started to collect typical things that existed around them and the space of the whole house. This story is not about survival, but the ability to adapt to the proposed place and to make life more comfortable. While I was collecting the material after shooting I have caught the one idea. Some of the typological lines had empty spaces. Such has happened to kettles, mirrors and clocks. Still, it added some rhythm and air. When visiting other houses,I have noticed that not all of them had a doorman. It was important for me to see the warmth of the space of these chambers behind the typology and show the beauty of familiar things.